A smoke detector is a specialized piece of equipment that senses smoke, usually as a fire indicator. Residential smoke detectors, also called smoke alarms, typically issue a local visual or audible alarm from one or more detectors. Commercial smoke detectors usually issue a signal to a fire alarm control panel.
Smoke detectors are typically housed inside plastic enclosures, which are shaped like a disc about 6 inches in diameter and 1 inch thick, although shapes and sizes may vary in different parts of the world. There are two common types of smoke detecting systems; ionization smoke detectors and photoelectric smoke detectors.
Ionization Smoke Detectors
These kinds of smoke detectors utilize ionized particles in order to discover the presence of smoke. Each ionization smoke detecting device contains a small amount of a radioactive substance placed between two electrically charged plates. The process of ionization of air results in the creation of current between these two plates.
The entry of smoke into the detector leads to disruption of current, ultimately resulting in triggering the alarm. Inoniztion-based smoke detectors are best for use against fires with open flames. They’re not as effective against smoldering fires though, for which photoelectric smoke detectors are used.
Photoelectric Smoke Detectors
Unlike ionization detectors, photoelectric smoke detectors utilize a light-based sensor to detect smoke. As the smoke enters the detection space, the particles of smoke first block the light beam and reflect light partially onto the smoke sensors afterward, ultimately resulting in tripping the alarm.
These kinds of smoke detectors are widely used for the early detection of smoldering fires that fill the room with deadly fumes and smoke.
Aspirating smoke detectors
An aspirating smoke detector ASD is a mechanism that is utilized in active fire protection. It consists of a central detection unit that detects the smoke by drawing air through a network of pipes.
VESDA aspirating smoke detector that comes with continuous air sampling provides its users with early warning related to probable fire danger. It helps in the timely initiation of an alarm and a suitable response to avoid injury and property damage.
These useful fire detecting devices come with multi-level warning mechanisms and an extensive range of sensitivity that doesn’t degrade over time. It helps VESDA smoke detectors in discovering even the lowest levels of smoke before a fire can escalate. Besides that, VESDA systems are made utilizing ISO 9000 standards and Six Sigma techniques and are fully certified by the worldwide regulatory authorities.
Some of the key benefits of using aspirating smoke detectors include:
- Simply handling
- SIncreasingly sensitive, split-second reaction to incipient fires
- STremendously quick alarm transmission and response
- SAvailability of three diverse ASD models for scalable, cost-efficient operation
- SEasy monitoring of areas ranging from simple facilities to the ones with 5600 meters square areas
- SHighly robust, increased useful lifespan
- SDeveloped in Switzerland, produced in Germany
Which VESDA ASD To Choose
VESDA early smoke detection solutions come in different models that can be used in a variety of applications and environments. It doesn’t matter if it’s a small compartment or a large open space, dirty or neat environment, VESDA devices provide high-sensitivity, reliable, and increasingly early smoke detection.
VESDA aspirating smoke detectors ASDs provide complete protection for a wide range of applications and industries, including:
- Apartments, offices, hotels, and shops
- Cold storage
- Clean rooms
- Data and telecom
- Oil and gas
- Nuclear facilities
- Warehouses
- Records storage
- And many more
SecuriRAS ASD 531
ASD 531 is a simple and highly convenient solution that offers fast commissioning and increasingly expert monitoring of smaller areas and premises. The best thing about this smoke detecting mechanism is that you don’t require much training in order to use it. You can configure the detector directly without needing a computer, and the overall operation is quite simple to achieve.
SecuriRAS ASD 531 comes with a built-in fully-tested HD detector coupled with a large volume smoke chamber LVSC, which leads to attaining excellent sensitivity as well as the prolonged useful lifespan of the device.
SecuriRAS ASD 532
SecuriRAS ASD 532 comes with a maximum sampling tube length of 120 meters. It works perfectly at temperatures ranging between -30 °C and +60 °C. Due to its much compact design, it’s best for use in elevator shafts, clean rooms, laboratories, prison cells, telecommunication facilities, IT racks, and a lot more applications.
SecuriRAS ASD 533
SecuriRAS ASD 533 is the latest addition to the increasingly sensitive, aspirant smoke detection systems. Based on the highly effective ASD 535, SecuriRAS ASD 533 is perfect for use in smaller monitoring spaces where not much of a sampling performance is needed. This specialty of ASD 533 is mainly due to the specific needs of the areas, including
- Ambient conditions (too cold, too hot, too dirty)
- Areas with very restricted access (clean rooms, prisons, labs, false ceilings, high-racks storages)
- Areas which requires ultra-rapid detection like data centers
Final Thoughts
VESDA smoke detection systems such as SecuriRAS ASD 531, 532, and 533 can effectively be used in a wide range of industries, applications, and environments. You can use these highly-sensitive smoke detectors to discover the whereabouts of smoke in no time and diffuse a possible fire-related hazard, saving precious lives, assets, and properties.
About Capital Solutions
Capital Solutions specializes in providing high-quality VESDA smoke detecting systems of different sizes across Pakistan. For more information, you may visit our website, or you can call us for customized care. For VESDA smoke detectors in various sizes in Pakistan, Contact us at 051-4446640