Home fires are widespread and dangerous and they can lead to many unfortunate consequences. But guess what? By following a few simple tricks and measures, you can avoid them and protect your family and property against any damage because most house fires are preventable.
But people don’t understand and always ignore taking the preventative steps for the safety of their homes. Before you buy or move into a new home or even for your existing home, make sure you take necessary prevention. Here we have shared a few tips that will help you to keep your home and family safe against fires.
- Tips for keeping your family and home safe against the fire.
1. Install smoke alarms:
Smoke detection systems or alarms should be installed in all the bedrooms and also in every portion, including the basement of your hours. In case of a fire starts, smoke alarms will alert you, and you will be able to leave the house in a short time. Test the smoke alarm every month. Also, check and replace their batteries on time. Sometimes even the smoke alarms fail to detect the fire, and that’s because there are many fire safety equipment in the market, but they all don’t give quality results. So before installing a smoke alarm, always do some research and look for the one that meets the recommended laboratory standards.
2. Always Make an Escape Plan
In case a fire starts in the house, one should already have an escape plan beforehand. Having an escape plan will help you and your family get out of the house immediately. Make sure to have multiple escape page through your home. Most of the fires occur at night time, so make sure to wake everyone up during such a situation so that all the family members immediately get out of the house. You can keep a bell or an alarm to alert everyone in the house, even if you have any fire safety equipment to be on the safe side. Practice the escape plan with all the family members.
3. Install a Fire Extinguisher:
A fire extinguisher can help you instantly deal with a small fire. Make sure you get one for your home. You can contact your local fire extinguisher department to get help in getting one and ask them how to use it properly. Get it to check every year from a professional.
4. Don’t leave your kitchen unattended while cooking:
The majority of the home fires occur because of unattended cooking. Especially while you’re using deep fryers, ovens, and pressure cookers, also make sure to remove any material that can easily catch fire, such as plastic or cleaning dusters, away from the stove while you cook. Make sure the gas stove is turned off after you’re done with cooking.
5. Maintain your electronics:
Ensure installing the electronics in your home with care and always following the safety measures mentioned in the product guidelines. Make sure to get them checked by an electrician instantly if theirs a problem. Also, use electronic chords with precautions. And replace the old and faulty switches immediately to avoid short circuits. Also, make sure not to leave any electronic unattended. Make sure you turn off your room heaters and bathroom geezers before sleeping.
6. Avoid smoking indoors:
Smoking inside the house is yet another reason for house fires. Always go outside the house whenever you want to smoke to avoid any unfortunate incident and mishaps.
7. Get help immediately:
Immediately call the police and use fire safety equipment like fire extinguishers once the house is on fire. Make sure after you and your family get out of the house, nobody enters the house again and waits for the firefighters and police to come. Also, inform your neighbors in case the fire extends.
Final words:
Getting one’s house on fire is probably the worst thing that can happen to anyone. However, with proper precautions, you can save both your home and your family. Give awareness about the housefires to your family, especially the children. And don’t forget to follow the tips mentioned above for safety.
for more details on home-related fire and safety equipment visit our website or call us at 051-4446640/41.