Rich Auto DSP Retrofit

Capital Engineering Solutions brings the best machine parts and retrofitting techniques to their clients in Pakistan and the rest of the world. We now work with Rich Auto controllers and DSP retrofits.

Rich Auto is a China-based CNC brand. They are market leaders in DSP numerical motion control systems and different applications in the CNC industry.

CNC Industry Solutions

Rich Auto solutions and controllers are compatible with industries that include machinery for:

Stereo Cylinder Solutions

Applications of stereo cylinder controllers are a big part of the carving and milling industry. The Rich Auto unit makes machines more effective and efficient. Capital Engineering Solutions can provide installation, maintenance, and retrofitting of stereo cylinders that can help boost your production capacity by a large margin.

Stereo Cylinder Controller Features

These controllers help link four-axis motion control, ease the processing of engraving and milling techniques, configure the fourth-axis as a rotating axis, intelligent functionality for pre-reading, and customization options to fit your needs.

Plasma Cutting Solutions

Plasma cutting controllers solve various problems that metal cutting and carving machines can have. For example, since the plasma machines use high temperatures to mold the metal, some detailing is not seen in the final product. The Rich Auto controllers use new calculation methods to make sure that these problems don’t occur on your production floor.

We can help in the installation and maintenance of these controllers so your products can be as finely detailed as you want.

Plasma Cutting Controller Features

With these innovative controllers, you can control different axes of the machines, corner operation improvements are instant, arc starting delay can be managed, interference is delayed, and many other normal functionalities can be made efficient.

Carving And Milling Solutions

Rich Auto controllers for the carving and milling industry can be installed at facilities where woodworking, stone carving, metal molding, PVC carving, and other materials are processed. It can help clients achieve simplified operations, better stability, and improved safety. Capital Engineering Solutions has experience with installing Rich Auto carving and milling controllers in Pakistan and other countries. Our experts can also repair or retrofit machinery that is commonly used in these industries. Give us a call to schedule a visit from our engineers.

Carving And Milling Controller Features

Make your machinery more efficient with controllers that allow easy multiaxial motion control, use of multiple IO control boards, run simulation, protection in the case of power failures, and matching with different processing machinery and technologies.

Capital Solutions & Rich Auto DSP Controllers

Our team has experience with DSP A11, DSP A15, DSP B18, DSP A57, and DSP A123 controllers from Rich Auto. We offer reliable installation, maintenance, and retrofitting services for all of these and other brand CNC controllers to clients all over Pakistan and other parts of the world. Contact us to schedule an appointment with our engineering team today.

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